Covered RV & Boat Carports
38-Years of Design/Engineering & Installation Services
We can help maximize your rentable space. baja’s in-house design/engineers will work closely with you to meet your project specifications and jurisdiction requirements – you’ll have our team’s personal attention to ensure the success of your project. Our engineers will deliver a set of plans that maximize canopy shade coverage, and work with you to develop the most efficient layout to run your successful RV & boat storage business.
All baja RV/Boat storage projects are fast-track
We understand your urgency to get a return on your investment. baja engineers, project managers, and construction teams are used to working on aggressive schedules. We’ll take ownership of your project from inception to completion; it’s our priority to keep it within budget and on time.
Nationwide Supply, Repair & Installation
We have logistics in place to complete projects anywhere in the United States. baja uses local and national suppliers and engage with our suppliers daily to avoid unnecessary material delays and to resolve issues before problems can arise.